Fear is a Motivator

Yudu Gray Jr
2 min readFeb 10, 2023


Fear is a powerful motivator that has driven many of us to do amazing things. In the early days of my entrepreneurial journey, fear was my constant companion — the fear of looking foolish, the fear of failure, the fear of letting others down. I spent countless sleepless nights imagining worst-case scenarios and always bracing for impact. This drive led me to overwork and over achieve, but it also meant that I was missing out on the joys of our successes and lessons.

2014 Team meeting @ House Studios Washington, D.C.

But, about six years into my journey, I had a game-changing realization. I asked myself, “What if this goes right? What if this works? What if everyone benefits from our success?” This shift in mindset allowed me to enjoy what I was doing finally, and I no longer braced for impact. Instead, I positioned myself to relaunch if we ever stumbled. I realized that the sky was the limit and there was no ceiling to what we could achieve.

Connecting with the team for Angie Ange Podcast

Now, with the launch of our second company, I approach each day with a sense of hope and wonder. “How great can we be?” is my daily mantra. I welcome mistakes and missteps as opportunities for innovation and growth. I encourage others to step up and into their own greatness, and I urge them to approach their work with a “what if this works” mentality.

Fear may be a motivator, but hope is a driver that will take you further toward your dreams and the life you desire.



Yudu Gray Jr

Yudu is a multitalented creative known for his unique blend of Creativity and Business. Follow him for a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.