The Importance of Asking Questions

Yudu Gray Jr
3 min readApr 13, 2023


If I can attribute one skill to my lasting success in the music business, it would be curiosity. As an intern, I would watch and listen as managers, A&R professionals, engineers, producers, songwriters, and artists would speak and share their stories and experiences. I was always fascinated by how many times people found themselves in bad deals, only to ask questions after the deal had gone sour. I too learned this lesson the hard way, as I had a few partnerships and deals that went sour. I realized that most of these “mistakes” could have been avoided by simply asking questions.

If one person isn’t clear…assume no one is clear.

The artists I have worked with over the years all start out hungry for success, with big dreams of an amazing career with fans, money, and stardom. The traits that separated the successful artists from the ones who did not make it were usually persistence and curiosity. Some artists we recorded their entire projects for free simply because they asked us if they could. They were curious enough to ask, “What would it take for me to record here with no budget?”

As a leader it’s important to listen before you speak…

Whenever I had a chance to connect with a lawyer, accountant, or any professional in our industry, I would spend as much time asking as many questions as possible. One of the most important questions is always “why?” Not accepting things as they are just because they are has been my saving grace, and it’s how we’ve built everything we have to date. So, when an artist has a record deal on the table, and it says the label owns your masters forever, sometimes just asking “why?” gets that section of the contract adjusted. This is because the person on the other side of the table usually can’t answer that question either.

Installing a new vocal booth and learning from the contractor how to better insulate a room safely!

To me, the difference between information and knowledge is either experience or the question “why?” Because if you understand why something works, you can better navigate the pros and cons of your decision. So next time you’re in the room with someone sharing their experiences and decisions, muster up the courage to ask “why?” and on the other side of that question will be where the real lessons begin!

As an entrepreneur, it’s essential to develop a curious mindset and ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or to challenge assumptions. By doing so, you will gain valuable insights, avoid costly mistakes, and make better decisions for your business.



Yudu Gray Jr

Yudu is a multitalented creative known for his unique blend of Creativity and Business. Follow him for a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.